Does this sound familiar? “I’m not hungry”, “It has green stuff”, Does your kid wants to eat the same food all the time? If the answer is yes, you might have a picky eater.
When you have a picky eater (Like I do) your child may refuse foods based on their color or texture, they might only eat certain types of food or play with the food when they don’t want to eat.
Don’t worry…This is temporary. I used to be a picky eater myself. In the meantime try the following tips to help you deal with your child’s picky eating behavior.
Let them see you eat vegetables and fruits: If you don’t eat it, what makes you think they will. Remember, kids copy everything and if they see you eating healthy, eventually they will eat healthy too.
Let your kids pick: If you take them to the supermarket, let them pick a new vegetables or fruit even if they never had it before.
Offer choices: Rather than asking …Offer. “which would you like for lunch, carrots or sweet potatoes? Instead of “Do you want…”?
Offer only one new food at the time: Give your child something that they enjoy eating, with a food that they never had before.
Let them try: Tell them to take a least two bites before saying they don’t like the food.
Let them help you in the kitchen: When my daughter helps me cook, she’s more eager to try the food, just because she helped me.
And last but not least…
Try new foods together, make it a game. Describe the texture, taste, smell and enjoy!
Share your thoughts and ideas of how to deal with picky eaters.